Legal texts

Hoteles Toledo's legal warning

Legal warning

Last revision date: May 14, 2022

1. Object

This Legal Notice informs about the browsing conditions on the website (hereinafter, the website). The mere access to the website implies knowledge and acceptance of said Legal Notice. Browsing through this Website attributes to the navigator the condition of User of the site, which implies its acceptance at the time it is accessed. The Owner of the Website recommends its careful reading and acceptance, the user having to abstain if there is no conformity with them. The User is aware and accepts that the use and navigation through this Website is carried out in any case under his sole and exclusive responsibility. The Owner reserves the right to modify this legal notice to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence. In such cases, the Owner will announce on this page the changes introduced with reasonable anticipation of their implementation. In each case, the relationship with users will be governed by the rules established at the precise moment the website is accessed. For all purposes, you can check the validity of the document in the header. If it is necessary for the User of this Website to provide their personal data, they will be processed under the conditions described in the Privacy Policy. Similarly, by clicking on the accept button on the cookie notice on this Website, the User consents to the use of cookies under the conditions described in the Cookies Policy. This Legal Notice is applicable only to the information collected on this Website. In no case will it be understood to be applicable to the contents collected on the pages of third parties linked from this Website.


Restoledo SL (hereinafter, the Owner or the Owner Entity) is the Owner of the domain name, a company registered in the Mercantile Registry of Toledo Volume 1176, page 33, sheet TO-19154 with registered office at Calle Reyes Católicos 5, 45002, Toledo, and CIF: B445531746. This website is the portal of Toledo Hotels (Toledo, Spain). From here you can see hotel information, make reservations or contact us.

3.-Means of Contact

Contact telephone numbers: 925283535


Location: Reyes Católicos 5, 45002, Toledo

4.-Intellectual property

The Owner is the Owner of all the intellectual property rights of this Website, as well as all the elements contained in it (for example, images, sound, audio, video, software or texts; brands or logos, color combinations , structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programs necessary for its operation, access and use, etc.), or failing that, it has the corresponding permission or permissions from the legitimate owners. All the intellectual property rights of the Website, including those mentioned and the Website itself as a whole belong to The Owner and/or their respective authors, having the appropriate permissions for use, which reserves the right to modify and/or delete the contents of the site without prior notice. By virtue of the current intellectual property regulations, the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including the method of making them available, of all or part of the contents of this web page, for commercial purposes, in any way, are expressly prohibited. support and by any technical means, without the authorization of The Holder. All the elements that make up the Website are protected as copyright by the legislation on intellectual property. Access to this page or navigation through it does not imply, in any case, assignment of said copyright to the interested party. You can view the elements of the Website and even print, copy and store them on your computer's hard drive or on any other physical medium as long as it is solely and exclusively for your personal and private use.

5.-Industrial property

The registered trademarks or distinctive signs present on the Website are the industrial property of their legitimate owners. It is forbidden to use them without their prior permission. Access to it does not confer on its Owner any right over them. For all purposes, they are subject to state trademark regulations.

6.-Navigation and Responsibility

The Owner authorizes the users of the Website to obtain a temporary copy, download and store the contents and elements inserted in the Website exclusively for their personal and private use. The Owner allows the citation and total or partial reproduction of the existing contents on the Website, provided that the Owner is cited. The use of this Website for profit is prohibited. The Owner cannot guarantee the proper functioning of the Website in any case, however, efforts will be made to ensure that said operation is appropriate at all times. The Owner is not responsible for the errors of the Website, as well as for the malfunction or responsibility of the linked contents. Said linked content could sometimes offer products and services. The mere link on this Website does not imply any invitation to hire them. The Owner does not exercise any type of control over said sites and contents external to the Website. Therefore, the website only contains general information about the products and/or services provided by the owner, and is not responsible for the content that the User may have hosted. The links or content of third parties that appear on this website are intended to expand information, facilitate the search for information, content and services on the Internet or offer another point of view (without being considered in any case a suggestion, recommendation or invitation). to visit them), but its inclusion does not imply acceptance of the contents or the association of the owner with those responsible for them, for which reason any responsibility that said contents could cause is rejected.

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